Comparison steals your joy

Comparison steals your joy

You may have heard this quote or something like it a few times before, it’s an oldie for sure but I think it’s a goodie. ⁣

Have you ever considered how it might relate to you?⁣

Well, maybe I can help you understand.⁣

I see clients everyday who are wasting so much time worrying why they are ‘not like her’.⁣

Or why their body doesn’t seem to work ‘that way’ or look like that.⁣

Or maybe life is making them tired when everyone else seems to be bursting with energy.⁣

I’m not suggesting that these examples aren’t totally true - maybe they are. ⁣

But what we forget to remember is that even though there are some things similar between us humans there is also LOTS that make us different. ⁣

We come in many beautiful shapes and sizes, with different energy and focus levels and all kinds of opposing dreams and desires.⁣

We need many different things.⁣

So, when you read that magazine, social post or even THIS blog post - maybe the advice doesn’t apply to you.⁣

Because it’s almost impossible to write an article or post that is meant for everyone. ⁣

Your mind + your body = YOUR decision how to take care of them them. ⁣

And, do you know what else?⁣

When you focus on comparison it gets you exactly nowhere.

Maybe initially you’ll feel a little spark of ‘if I do this I can be like her’ but then eventually you’ll feel let down when you find out it’s not possible.⁣

So what do you focus on instead?⁣

YOUR purpose (why are YOU here on 🌏). ⁣

I can almost guarantee it’s not to lose weight or look good in a bikini. ⁣

It’s definitely not to be the best at following that diet.⁣

Underneath all that time you’ve spent wondering and worrying about how you look, I know there’s a greater reason you exist.⁣

I bet it’s more nourishing than any thoughts you have ever had of comparison too.⁣

Where comparison steals your joy, purpose lights you up ✨✨✨⁣

Maybe today is the day to change your focus and discover who you really are? ⁣

Let me know if you need some help along the way, you can reach out over here when you are ready.

I’d love to help you reclaim your joy.

K x


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